Beginning the journey to a healthy smile for your child should ideally start by consulting with a dedicated Orthodontist when they are about 7 years old. This critical visit enables a detailed assessment to decide if there’s a need for early orthodontic action or if it’s better to observe their growth for a while. During this examination, our Orthodontists carefully evaluates both the teeth that are visible and those that have yet to emerge.
Initiating orthodontic care in childhood significantly decreases the likelihood of complicated dental problems later, potentially making any necessary future treatments during adolescence less complex and shorter. Due to the adaptability of younger patients’ jaws and teeth, this period is optimal for making adjustments.
Regular visits to the Orthodontist help your child become comfortable and familiar with our dental care team, regardless of whether immediate treatment is needed. Through annual monitoring of your child’s dental and jaw development, our Orthodontists can identify the perfect timing for either early treatment or full orthodontic care as your child matures.
Signs that your child may need an early orthodontic evaluation include:
- Crowded, crooked, or misaligned teeth visible around ages 7-8.
- Atypical timing in the shedding of baby teeth.
- Front teeth that stick out.
- The occurrence of underbite or overbite.
- The formation of crossbite.
- Continued thumb or finger sucking past age 5.
- Problems with chewing or biting.
- Regular mouth breathing.
- A significant difference in jaw sizes.
The benefits of starting orthodontic treatment early are extensive. While children’s jaws and palates are still growing, they are more responsive to treatment, leading to faster and more effective corrections. Early treatment, such as palatal expansion, can more easily address crowding and correct crossbites by making room, a process that becomes considerably harder after puberty.
Early intervention can also mean less time spent in braces or aligners during teenage years, offering a cost-effective solution that may also address speech issues and enhance self-confidence in some kids.
Ultimately, interceptive orthodontic care, ideally between the ages of 7-10, offers significant benefits, with options like expansion plates available even earlier. Braces or aligners are most beneficial after the emergence of all permanent teeth. Scheduling a consultation with our caring Specialist Orthodontists at Orthodontix Northbridge and Orthodontix Forestville will ascertain the most fitting orthodontic strategy for your child, ensuring a radiant, confident smile for the future.